Thursday 7 June 2012

Bournemouth, England June 22nd to 24th 2012

It is hard to believe that it was 5 years since Solid Ground travelled to The New Forrest area of England to share in the gospel outreach.  With Ashley already working in England and driving down to Ringwood/New Milton, the others flew from Belfast to Southampton courtesy of flybe.  The flight was delayed for an hour but all arrived safely at Poulner Baptist Chapel, Ringwood mid afternoon for set up and sound checks.
Poulner Baptist Chapel – Friday 22nd June
Last time Solid Ground sang in Ringwood it was at the local Parish church and due to technical difficulties had to borrow some sound equipment from Poulner Baptist Chapel. The Pastor, Adam Skirton was extremely helpful and so it was fitting that the first gospel concert of the weekend was at his church. Check out for more details of Pastor Adam’s ministry.

Mr Andy Varney, who was responsible for organising the outreach weekend opened the evening by welcoming Solid Ground and giving a brief outline of how their paths crossed some years ago.  Solid Ground then sang 15 pieces, both old and some new along with a few favourites of Andy’s from the previous visit.  During the evening Andy gave a personal word of testimony and related to how God have helped and guided him through a period of sickness when he was diagnosed with cancer.  One of the things that helped him through this time was the words of a song that Solid Ground sang during the previous visit – “If This Is What God Wants”. Pastor Adam brought the evening to a close in prayer and there was a time of fellowship around some tea/coffee and biscuits after.
 New Milton Memorial Hall – Saturday 23rd June
Having the morning off was an opportunity to view the local beach (not just quite like Portrush), visit a motorcycle museum, see the town of New Minton or just simply have a lie in!!!!
The afternoon was set up and sound check time and back to the host families before returning to the hall for the second concert.  Solid ground shared the evening with Mrs Ann Savage - 'Ann appeared with New Sadlers Wells Opera and Kent Opera before becoming a member of English National Opera, with whom she performed from 1989 to 2003.
After many years in London, Ann returned to her home town of Southport where she expected to stay for the foreseeable future, BUT has since met and married the Rev. Bev Savage and they now live in Bournemouth. Her work as freelance singer and speaker is now centred on the framework of her faith and she is increasingly engaged by many evangelical churches and organisations'.
Solid Ground sang 14 pieces during the evening to a well filled hall and the evening was brought to a close by Andy Varney.  The outreach was well supported by the Christians from New Milton Evangelical church and many unsaved were present as Ann and Solid Ground presented the gospel in song and word.
New Milton Evangelical Free Church – Sunday 24th June
With the morning service starting at 10.30 it was an early start for some! New Milton Evangelical Free church were celebrating 79 years as a church fellowship and it was very encouraging to see that some had responded to the invitation on Saturday night to come to worship.  The church was full and some sitting outside in the hallway.  Solid Ground sang 3 pieces with the congregation helping as backing singers on ‘At Calvary’. Pastor Simeon Woodcraft is the pastor at New Milton and for more details check out
Solid ground would like to thank Andy Varney and others who had the vision to plan the 2 outreach gospel concerts. To the host families a big thank you for letting Solid Ground into your homes and for feeding us!!  To the Pastor Adam and Simeon – thank you for your support, encouragement and prayers. But most of all we thank our wonderful Saviour for allowing us to be involved in His ministry.  Please pray for those unsaved who attended the outreach that soon there will be much rejoicing in heaven over those who have trusted in Him.  To Him be all the glory.

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