Monday 27 January 2014

January Engagements

Sunday 26th January - The first engagement of 2014 for Solid Ground was a trip up to Dunseverick Baptist outside Bushmills. A cold and wet evening was melted by the warm sense of God’s presence throughout the meeting. The guest speaker for the evening was Mr. David Anderson from Saintfield Baptist, who ministered from Hebrews 14 using the theme of a spiritual recession and how God has paid in full for our sin debt.

Solid Ground ministered with four songs over two slots, including the debut of the Gold City song, “By Your Grace, For Your Glory”. It is always enjoyable to have worked on a song for several weeks and get it to the “ready for out” stage. Solid Ground also sang “That’s Why”, “Bless Your Holy Name Again” and “Plan of Salvation”.

After the meeting concluded a small feast and a cup of tea was laid on by those at Dunseverick. A big thank you to those who prepared the supper!

The next engagement for Solid Ground is Friday 31st January in Ballee Baptist Church at 7.45pm

Friday 31st January - Solid Ground had the privilege of sharing with the folks at Ballee Baptist on a special night to mark the 25 years of Ministry by Pastor Lawrence Kennedy. Along with Heavenbound, Paul Irwin and the Ballee Baptist Choir, Solid Ground had the opportunity to sing to a packed house. Solid Ground sang “By Your Grace, For Your Glory” as the traditional trio set up and then had a guest bass vocalist join them for two special numbers, “Just A Little Talk With Jesus” and “ When I Survey”. This was a highlight for Solid Ground and the Pastor. There is no fuller sound than male four part harmony!

Next engagement for Solid Ground is Coagh Baptist at 6.30pm

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